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JanSan Disposable Type 1 Protective 3-Ply Face Mask

  • Quality non-woven face masks
  • Minimises the incidence of cross-infection in clean or sensitive environments.
  • Personal use to help prevent the spread of infection from yourself and for protection from other people's germs
  • Easy to use, light-weight and comfortable.
£12.00 £10.00
In stock
50 x Masks
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  • 80+



  • Delivery within 1 to 2 working days

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What are JanSan 3 Ply Disposable Face Masks?
3 Ply Non-Woven Disposable Face Masks are quality non-woven face masks that are intended to cover the nose and mouth, to minimise the incidence of cross-infection in clean or sensitive environments.

What can Disposable Face Masks be used for?
When someone talks, coughs or sneezes they can release tiny drops into the air that can infect other people. If the infected person wears a facemask, it can reduce the number of germs that the wearer releases, which can protect other people from becoming sick. Disposable masks can be used to help prevent harmful airborne substances from entering the body through the nose and mouth and also to prevent pathogens and germs being spread by the wearer. This can be required in a number of circumstances including:

To help protect from germs and infection
Personal use to help prevent the spread of infection from yourself and for protection from other people’s germs
To help prevent cross-infection

How do Face Masks work?
The masks are manufactured from 3-ply, spun-bonded polypropylene, non-woven fabric with an integral plastic-coated strip above the nose for optimum fit, whilst being light-weight and comfortable. The elasticated loops are latex-free to minimise allergic reactions.

How to use this product:
Should be used once and then thrown in the bin. You should also dispose of and replace your mask when they become moist.

Disposable masks are easy to use, simply follow the following steps:

  1. Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitiser before touching the mask
  2. Remove a mask from the box and make sure there are no obvious tears or holes in either side of the mask
  3. The side of the mask that has the stiff strip should be placed at the top, across your nose
  4. The coloured side of the mask should face away from you
  5. Place a loop around each ear to secure
  6. Mold or pinch the stiff edge to the shape of your nose
  7. Pull the bottom of the mask over your mouth and chin

How to remove the mask:

  1. Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer before touching the mask
  2. Avoid touching the front of the mask as it is contaminated – only touch the ear loops
  3. Hold both of the ear loops and gently lift and remove the mask
  4. Dispose of the mask in a bin
  5. Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer

What other preventative measures can you take to protect yourself from airborne substances?
Using a mask is just one preventative measure you can take to protect yourself from respiratory pathogens, dust and harmful airborne substances. However, it is recommended to not rely on masks alone to provide an adequate level of protection. Here are a few more steps you can use, along with the use of safety masks to protect yourself from harmful substances in the environment:

  • Perform hand hygiene frequently, using soap and water (where possible) or an alcohol-based hand rub
  • Try not to touch your face, especially your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Cover nose and mouth with a bent elbow or paper tissue when coughing or sneezing and dispose of tissue immediately after use
  • Keep surfaces clean and disinfected

These masks are not suitable for use in a medical setting.

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